Monday, December 11, 2017

Individual Ceramic Concept

Individual Ceramic Concept #1



When first given the chance to do as I wish with this project, I knew that I wanted to do some type of texture. All my art outside of ceramics deals with a lot of detail and repetition. Carrying forward my personal style I decided to include it in my individual project. My inspiration stemmed from one of my Touch textured project pieces. I liked the texture so much that I wanted to expand on the idea.

Previous Touch inspiration:

This texture was also originally inspired by oceans waves as well and sound waves. To create this piece I first rolled out a huge slab and cut out a thick abstract form as my base to put the texture on and to be the shape of it as a whole. Then  I individually cut hundreds and hundreds of circles and placed them one-at-a-time on the slab side-by-side. This process was time-consuming but the texture and end result was worth it in the end. The glazed I used (Golden Halo) was chosen because I wanted a metallic look and also wanted my piece to look futuristic.


Artist: Fenella Elms

Ocean Waves


Sound Waves


Individual Ceramic Concept #2


My second individual project I wanted to be spontaneous. I knew that I would be producing a lot of ceramic pieces including some that were not made specifically for certain projects. My idea was to combine two completely different pieces into one dynamic work of art. This was my result. I made the pinched-edge bowl-shaped piece first and then throughout the semester I created funky coil piece. I did not make them with the intention that they would become one piece together, rather I chose them both intuitively and randomly to work together like I had planned beforehand in the semester. Although the choice to pair these two together were random, the glazing choices were not. I wanted a similar color palette that would work well together and not clash. The whole idea behind this individual project was to make a work of art without knowing that I had done so: unintentionality.


Artist: Rachel Roberts

Artist: Kathy King

Artist: Jessie Brusa

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