Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Memento Project

Inspired by Hilary Sanders

Inspired by Peter Hoogeboom

My memento illustrates my memory of moving to Flagler College and St. Augustine. When moving to St, Augustine, I  knew nobody and was coming to a city I had only visited once in my life. I felt lost, confused, and thought I wouldn't fit in. On the other hand, though, I was excited to start anew. I couldn't be the person I truly am without any preconceived notions of who I might be. Moving to Flagler and the experience of that memory made me the person that I am today.

My memento cube has 6 sides:

-Two of the side are burned, scraped and cut. The burning symbolizes the burning of my past as I move forward with my life. The cuts and scrapes represent all the bruises and things I had to endure to get to Flagler
-The string that covers the scraped and burned side represents the mending of my past
-On another side, I have collected brochures and pamphlets from the welcome center (the first place I visited in St. Augustine) and cut, weaved, and glued them together. I have little words throughout that represent my experience. "Pizzalley's" is the name of the first place I worked in St. Augustine. Flagler college is seen, as well as a lot of the street names around the area. The intertwining of the brochures represents the lost-like quality I had when I first got here. 
-Another side has a hole cut out of it, and in the inside of my cube I have a wooden ball that just barely does not fit into the hole. This represents my trying to "fit in" when moving to a new place
-The last side of my cube has a cut-out arrows on a map that point to the place that me and my parents got lost when wandering the city


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